Saturday, September 13, 2014

   Hey Guys! Just wanted to update ya'll a little bit on my life and what's been going on! I know I haven't posted in literally FOREVER! I am going to try to start posting more an get my blog started back up!! So even though summer is over and sadly school has started back I want to update you guys on some stuff that went on and that we got to do!

    Me and my sisters all got to be Jr. Bridesmaids in Sara and Jesse's wedding! It was so much fun! The wedding was so fun, and beautiful and we where so happy we got to be a part of it! We where also really happy for them! thanks Sara and Jesse!

  We also got to go to the beach! We where so excited we got to go and it was amazing and beautiful as always!! We always have a great time at the beach but the time we are there always goes by way to quickly! I guess time really does go by fast when you are having fun! It is always just so amazing and relaxing. We love to go swimming and play In the ocean!

  One last thing I want to share with ya'll is going to the Lake! I went to the lake this summer with one of my best friends Olivia! We went for the 4th of July and I hadn't been to the lake in a very long time so it was super fun to go with one of my good friends. We went swimming, tubing, and even went out on the boat to see the fireworks! It was amazing!

  That's some of the highlights of my summer and I had so much fun! I hope you had as much fun as me this summer!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

our dogs

These are the dogs we have right now.  The big one is Rags. The medium sized one is Annie, and the smallest one is Pippa. This picture is from our summer at the beach.

some pretty pictures

 I know i haven't posted in a while but I just wanted to post some pretty pictures that my mom has taken of me lately.
 This one is so pretty the sun is in the perfect spot!
This one for sure is my favorite.  I think it is really pretty.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sand Dollar Island

When we go out on the beach we are always looking for seashells but what we really want to find is a whole sand dollar. We never find full sand dollars out on the beach so last year when we went to the beach these people told us about this place you could go to and find sand dollars. Well we went last year and found a few, but thats when we named  the place sand dollar island. This place is were you go out on a little trail and then once you get there you wade around in the water and there is a ton of life. There is sting rays, crabs, horseshoe crabs, horseshoes, little fish, sand dollars, and some other weird stuff. You have to wear shoes in the water because of all the life. When we go we always bring a big bucket and nets. I always like sand dollar hunting, you just look for sand dollars and if they are dead you can keep them but if they are alive you put them back, thats just what we do but some people keep the live ones. I can tell them apart because if you look at the bottom of a sand dollar and there is fuz, then it is live. But if there is no fuzz it is dead. Here is how we got so many. The first time we went on Hunters Birthday and we found 9, we were proud of our sand dollar finding. The next time we went we started of slow but we ended up with about 35 sand dollars! We got around 45 sand dollars in all now it is really a sand dollar island!

Hunters Birthday

Hunters birthday was while we were at the beach and we kept telling him we did not get him a present but then we surprised him with 15 beyblades, a beyblade stadium, and also a beyblade chamber, a beyblade chamber is something you put your beyblade in and it takes it apart then you can switch up the pieces and put it back in to make a beyblade. Hunter had been asking for beyblades and he was so excited when he opened up his present.  We also made him a chocolate cake with chocolate icing, to much chocolate! Hunter loved his presents and his cake so much.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cape San Blas


I love Cape San Blas so much, I was so excited when I found out we would be going very soon after school got out. Last time we went to the beach we stayed at Barrier Dunes where there is a bunch of condos people rent out. We stayed in Barrier Dunes this time again and I love it there. There is a pool and 3 ponds boardwalks that go out to the beach and I just love it there so much it is such a quiet and fun I never want to leave the beach.

Rosa Parks

For a school project I had to pick a famous alabamian to dress up as and memorize a speech about the person. I picked Rosa Parks because I knew she would be easy to research. We did wax museum, which is were you stand still in a pose and wait till someone comes up to you and then you say your little speech. This was graded, but I was not there the day everybody got graded, I assume I got a good grade on it though because I got an A in Alabama History.